Short story in Laurel Review
My short story "The Edge of Suburbia" appeared in Issue 54.2 of Laurel Review.

Short story in Painted Bride Quarterly
My short story "From the Depths of the Sea" appeared in Issue 101 (Spring 2022) of Painted Bride Quarterly.

Two poems in The Adirondack Review
Two of my poems—"Boneyard Beach" and "Standing at the Southernmost Point"—appeared in the Fall 2021 issue of The Adirondack Review.

Three poems in Delta Poetry Review
Three of my poems—"Good Eye, Bad Eye," "Little Flames," and "Sleepwalker"—appeared in the Autumn 2021 issue of Delta Poetry Review.

Short story in Southern Indiana Review
My short story, "Snow," appeared in the Spring 2021 issue of Southern Indiana Review.