Reading for Book Launch
I will be reading at the University of North Florida to help launch and celebrate Jessica Q. Stark's new poetry collection, Buffalo Girl....

Short story in The Pinch
My short story "Homesteading" appeared in Issue 43.1 (Spring 2023) of The Pinch.

Reading at The Pinch's 2023 AWP welcome party
I'm delighted to read my short story "Homesteading" at the 2023 AWP welcome party hosted by The Pinch and American Literary Review. My...

Poem in Copper Nickel
My poem "Denouement" appeared in the Spring 2023 issue of Copper Nickel.
Short story nominated for Pushcart Prize
I'm delighted that Laurel Review nominated my short story "The Edge of Suburbia" for the Pushcart Prize.